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Why Do We Age?


Dr. Kaufmann began her academic career in the field of cellular biology, earning a Master’s Degree from the University of Connecticut in Tropical Ecology and Plant Physiology. Turning to medicine, she received her medical Degree at the University of Maryland, and completed a residency and fellowship at Johns Hopkins in the field of pediatric anesthesiology. For the last seven years she has been the Chief of Pediatric Anesthesia at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, a nationally recognized center of excellence.

Her avid interest in the science of anti-aging begun many years ago as an intense hobby. Utilizing her knowledge in cell biology, human pharmacology and physiology, this hobby has now become a main focus. The Kaufmann Protocol represents years of non-clinical research leading to the first ever, comprehensive theory of aging, complete with an explanation of why we age and the tools to decelerate the process.

Dr. Kaufmann has lectured at People Unlimited and The Church of Perpetual Life and can been heard on talk radio as well as innumerable podcasts.

Dr. Kaufmann and I are in line in our philosophy about Beauty. It starts from inside out. We need to take care of whole body not just using cosmetic to cover it. Diet and environment affect greatly on our skin. Free radical and sun are two major players on DNA damage and collagen desolvation. To counteract them or decelerate aging process, we need to supply nutrient outside dermis layer and inside epidermis layer so that we can gain fuel to look and feel our best.

View the Whole Interview in YouTube.