Michelle Jacob, M.Sc, O.T., Certified HeartMath & Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner.
Michelle has a Masters in Occupational Therapy from Queen's University. She is the CEO and founder of Rewiring Minds. She is a therapeutic healer & transformation coach. She is a certified practitioner of the Heart Math interventions program and trained in Progressive Goal Attainment Program, Emotional Freedom Technique and Mindfulness Based Reduction Program. Her vision is to empower 200 million lives to come from a place of knowing their true value and worth and equip them with the tools to live in the abundance of inner peace and happiness.
I learn so much from Michelle when she explained feeling of gratitude started from one self and not expecting or seeking compliments from other people around us. As a matter of fact, we hold the power to purify ourselves. In combination with starting gratitude journal every morning, we can practice a simple 2 minutes technique 3 times/day to provide more oxygen and give nutrient to our blood vessels. This will lower cortisol and raise DHA levels inside of our body. In other word, good hormone is released to help us stay younger and aid in anti-aging process.