Masks and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) become a part of our daily lives to slow the transmission of COVID-19 to keep ourselves and others safe. When you wear cloth masks or PPE for any extended period of time, you will experience from tiny blemishes then become into large pimples all these triggered by excess heat, moisture, oils, bacteria and friction of the skin because masks can trap and hold heat, sweat, and bacteria causing the follicles to become blocked then lead to breakouts and large pimples – acne.
So what you need to do to prevent and treat these issues that you and I have during this pandemic?
Using chamomile to calm and soothe the skin, while hyaluronic acid works by keeping moisture locked in, so the skin stays soft, conditioned, and comfortable. This multi-action mask blends revitalizing natural earth minerals and clays to gently draw out excess sebum (Oils) and impurities. Rose-colored clay boosts radiance and cleanses the skin, minimizing the appearance of congested pores while leaving the skin soft, smooth, and mattified.
Which skin condition will benefit?
Congested pores
Dry skin.
Target on:
Absorbs excess oil and impurities
Boosts the appearance of brightness and radiance
Helps to minimize the appearance of congested pores
Helps to soothe and calm the skin.
Revitalizes dull, tired skin
How often can I use the Mask?
Once a week is ideal. You can use it every other day as needed.
Does it take so much of my time?
This mask is easy and convenient after clean your face just applies it on and leave on for 10-15minutes then rinse off with water.