How did Beauty Journey get it's name?
Well, it stems off of my philosophy towards Beauty being a JOURNEY and not a DESTINATION. Just like when you work out at the gym, the more you put into it, the better shape you'll be in.
There are many facets that work alongside each other to create Beauty. Of course, we're only talking about appearances right now but in order to be truly beautiful, you need to work at it from all angles. Some ways include, eating right, working out, going to your local esthetician for your skin care needs, USING the right skincare at home and doing good.
The Beauty Journey is different for each individual and everyone needs work on something others may not. I merely provide services toward one aspect of Beauty and aim to help you in your Journey towards obtaining the RESULTS you want.
So there you have it, that's how Beauty Journey got it's name. (: If you're interested in the ways Beauty Journey can help you be more beautiful, please come on in and check us out!