A Healthy Skin Starts with a Healthy Diet. Here's How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

Waking up to a breakout is never pleasant, and yet, it can happen even to the rest of us. But knowing what causes breakouts can significantly reduce the chances of experiencing one.

So, what exactly causes our skin to act up?

There are many reasons behind an acne breakout. Maybe you swapped a product for a new one, didn’t change your face towels or pillowcases regularly or didn’t drink enough water. All of these are viable reasons that can trigger breakouts. But another cause for breakouts is food

Yes, diets play an important role in how the skin responds. Dairy, sugar, and gluten are some of the things that need to be minimized or removed from the diet. But overall, the main contributing factors to acne are fast cells turnover, fast oil flows, and abnormal cell division, stress, hormonal issues, and medication.

We immediately tend to think that junk food is the root of all problems, and while there is a correlation between acne and the consumption of fatty or sugary products, causation can be difficult to prove.

But, according to a few studies, there are certain foods that are more likely to cause a bad case of acne, and today, we are going to see exactly how your diet affects your skin. 

Can Your Diet Actually Affect Your Skin?

Some of us have heard that food plays a big role in having acne-free skin, while others have heard the opposite. But what exactly is the truth?

The skin is the largest organ in our body, and just like any organ, it is influenced by the nutrients we consume. These nutrients are provided by the food we eat. Once food has entered the digestive system, it is broken down into glucose, vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals. 

All these nutrients are essential to our health, so if your diet is lacking, then your body, and ultimately your skin, will take the hit. 

But acne is not the only skin condition influenced by your diet. Food can also impact blemishes, wrinkles, and moisture levels in your skin.

What Foods Should You Avoid?

A recent study not only solidifies the correlation between our dietary choices and the apparition of acne but may also give us clues about the types of foods we should stay away from. 

The study was performed on 24,452 participants, all of which were categorized in one of three acne-related categories:

  • Never had acne

  • Had acne in the past

  • Currently has acne

The conclusion of this study is that certain categories of food products appear to be associated with current cases of acne. Here are some of those products:


Dairy has been linked to acne in several studies, but the precise reason why it causes breakouts is still not fully clear. A hypothesis blames the high carbohydrate content, which increases the levels of blood sugar, which in turn leads to a spike in insulin. This spike leads to higher oil production. 

If you believe that dairy products are causing your acne, try replacing animal milk with other alternatives on the market, like soy milk or almond milk. Also, make sure that you maintain a proper intake of calcium by eating soy, spinach, and other foods high in calcium. 


Not only is sugar bad for acne, but it also speeds up the aging process of your skin. Once in your body, the sugars bind to the elastic proteins and collagen in your skin, causing them to stiffen. This process is called glycation and it makes your skin less elastic, making it prone to sagging and wrinkles.

There are a lot of products that contain refined sugars, so the best way to avoid sugar is to look for foods with whole-grain carbohydrates. 

Salty Foods

Salty foods, such as French fries and chips, are without a doubt delicious, but they are not that great for your skin. High intakes of salt facilitate water retention, which can make you feel and look bloated. 

Also, very high quantities of iodized salt increase the likelihood of having breakouts, which is why you should always check the labels of the food you are purchasing.

Some other foods that should be consumed in reduced quantities are carbohydrates, red meat, and foods rich in Omega-6 fats. 

Foods That You Should Eat

It comes as no surprise that the first foods on this list are fruits and vegetables. For example, yellow, red, and green (leafy) vegetables are a fantastic source of vitamin A, which is an important component of the skin cell renewal process. 

For acne, skin cells turn over too fast vitamin A, which will regulate the skin cell renewal process. For aging skin, skin cells turn over too slow with topical vitamin A and the food you eat will help the skin cell renewal process.

Vegetables rich in vitamin C (broccoli, citrus fruits, potatoes, peppers, etc...) are essential in the production of collagen. Vitamin C also works as an antioxidant that has an active role in protecting your skin from the effects of UV rays. Also, vitamin C prevents post inflammation, pigmentation, and scars.

Besides fruit and vegetables, you should also include fish in your diet, as it is an excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory role. These fatty acids are fantastic for people who have drier skin or have flaky skin. 

Two other great additions are nuts and seeds, both of which are great sources of Vitamin E. This vitamin promotes the healing of skin cells and has a role in protecting the cells’ membrane. They also are full of minerals like zinc and selenium. 

Although you should be careful with what you eat, you should also pay attention to your skincare products and skincare routine. 

If you’re looking for quality products that will improve your skin, then we have the thing for you. You can visit our online shopping and see which products fit your skin condition. 

And if you don’t know what to choose or how to deal with your skin condition, then you can always schedule an initial consultation. They will be more than happy to teach you all you need to know about your skin. 

For a complete skin consultation, make an appointment with one of Beauty Journey’s expert estheticians by schedule online appointment or contact beautyjourney@gmail.com if you need further information.

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"Information is courtesy of www.thebeautyjourney.com, a website with skin care tips, products, treatments and advice from skin care expert and licensed esthetician, Kristina Trinh."